Thursday, August 1, 2013

Not bad for an outdated, unmodern Church

Three Million people came out to Copacabana Beach in Rio to listen to Pope Francis. Three million! Another instance of our corrupt media refusing to report real news, and putting us into a bubble wrap of projections and wishful thinking.

 But not to dwell in BS: What a picture this is!

Sunday, May 26, 2013

The end of time.

I had been informed that Ernie, the little beagle/corgi mix who adopted us when we moved into the Western ave. house, is not doing well. He’s about 16 now, and the end is in sight. I was invited to have one last visit with him.

Returning to Glendale is like getting into a time machine – NOTHING has changed. I even parked in my old spot at the curb – too many conflicting emotions to count.

But the li’l guy was in the backyard. He had mellowed a lot, but the same sweetness is there.


Sweet guy.


I spent 45 minutes with him. He is too feeble to go on walks anymore. I leashed him up and opened wide the gate, and he just ho-hummed, so I didn’t push it.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

One more semester in the bag!

All papers and group projects done and sent off to Lexington. Now it’s time to catch up with everything I let slide because I was so focused on completing this semester. Yes, Charlie – that' means it’s time for your bath!


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Now I’m free! Until June 6, that is, then summer begins.  LIS 647 – school media centers is next.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Story time!

I so enjoyed doing this. The kids were wonderful, and plenty showed up.


Monday, April 22, 2013

Wringing out a towel…in SPAAAACE!

Found this on the morning’s Twitter feed. What does happen when you try to wring out a towel on the International Space Station?

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Ren Faire


Had a great time at the Faire today. The costume was a hit! Several people asked for their photo with me! Many wonderful costumes out there.


This was a great picture, and off the cuff. The Lord Mayor and pals were parading by, and I managed to get my phone out of my bag and snap this picture. It looks like it was posed.


Monday, April 1, 2013

My new study buddy.

This morning I went to Petco and bought a small 2.5 gallon tank, and a blue/green Betta fish. His name is Tuck.


Right now, the tank is cleaning itself and getting ready for him. Why did I get him? Because watching fish is soothing and calming, and it would be a good luck symbol as I finish out my studies.

Thursday, March 28, 2013


Yesterday gave my drawing lesson, as well as reading Mo Willem's "Pigeon find a Hot Dog". When I arrived at 1030, there was a preschool there, thinking the story time was then. 5 kids  were milling around, going through books in the children's section. I brought in my easel, a drawing pad, and sat down at a table with them and we went to work. Just dived right in.
   First, I told them that most cartoon characters start with a circle. We warmed up just drawing lots of circles, covering out paper with circles. The kids grabbed pencils and went to work. Then we drew a piggy, then a dog (I drew a boxer for them, but one li'l girl thought it looked like a bear. She had never seen a boxer before!), then a spider! They went through a lot of paper, and were totally engrossed in what they were doing.
   The teacher was grateful I took the time to sit with the kids. Then more kids and their mothers (or grandmother and one dad) showed up. I read the story, and the kids loved it. A couple said they had read the book before, one said it's in her school "liberry"! Then the first group had to return for lunch and a nap (I envy them!) and then another group of four, including older girls (I think they were about 5-6 years old). I gave them a little bigger lesson, since they could handle talk of volume in the circle.The two year olds were just off on their own, filling the page with scribbles. One adorable girl, very calmly would say my name, then say she was drawing a heart, and some Easter flowers.
   When the lesson was over, I gave the kids copies of an old Mickey Mouse model sheet I had downloaded, showing his construction. I thought that would be nice for them, and the older girls really liked it, but the younger ones didn't really understand it. One little girl announced, "I don't like Mickey Mouse. If you had some princesses I would want one."
   A great success! Now I have to put together the multimedia report. But for now, I have group projects to tackle!

Monday, March 25, 2013

Registration complete!

And by complete, I mean complete! :)
   This summer I'm taking Adventures in Media Centers, and in the Fall - Public libraries and Online Information Retrieval. This should have all my bases covered - elementary school libraries, academic, public and technologies.
    By complete, I mean these are the LAST classes I will be taking! I will be graduating in the Fall, an early Christmas present to myself. I'm very pleased with the outcome, and will be cast out into the real, cruel, heartless world that is still writhing under the boulder called politics.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Ren Faire - here I come!

For the first time in 20 years, I'm heading out to the Renaissance Faire. This time I'm doing it right, with a Dominican Habit, of course!

The cloak arrived yesterday and it fits perfectly. All I need is a scapular, but that's only a matter of time. I'll find a local tailor for that. But it looks good so far! :)

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Walking through my past (It never started, and it never stops...)

I've been collecting some of the Dead shows i had been to. I've gotten quite a few, though I know I'm missing some. Some nice memories too.

MA a go!

Spoke with my adviser yesterday. Seems I'm closer to the end of the Masters program than I thought! Another summer class, then two in the fall, sharpen up the portfolio, and get it ready to send off into the sky! That really made my day. I was offered the MS, with only one more class. I must admit - it was very tempting. A shiny object that briefly gave me pause. But in the end - having the full degree is necessary if I wish to continue for a doctorate at some time later down the road. One thing was satisfying - I'm doing well, and the end is in sight!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

I'll Be Famous Someday

Sometimes I like some cheese with my lunch.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Third Order Meeting today

  Going up to Santa Paula for the Dominican Third Order meeting today. Fr. Paul is visiting from Alaska, and it will be great to see him again.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Live Writer!

So, as I expand the social media universe, I now am accessing my, until now, never used Windows Live Writer option. I must say, it’s a real kick. But once the wine is finished, and the semester is over, I’ll see where I am with all this, and whether I’ll continue.

(I’m listening to Wagner. My, his music is intense. It’s a shame he was such a creep.)

Photos from the Abbey

Some of the beautiful views that brings me such peace. The bottom pic is the view out of my guestroom sliding door. The top is my laughing place, a secluded quiet piece of nature.

Walking through the past

Coming back from St. Andrew's Abbey, I found myself back in an area I haven't been in nearly  30 years - sunny Newhall, California. The place has changed much, but the far end of Lyons Ave is looking the same. I remember the yellow building where a toy shop used to be on the upper floor. Del Taco is still there, and I was surprisingly comforted by that. The old movie theater is long gone.
But the Way Station Coffee Shop is still there!

Lost in time. Hasn't changed one bit. Had ham n eggs and a pile of their famous hashbrowns, with onions chopped up in it. I should have asked for some American cheese melted on top...
   Friends and I would stop over here for that perfect Sunday morning hangover breakfast. Worked like a charm.
   I haven't had straight coffee shop fare in awhile, and it was pleasant. The place wasn't too crowded, but there was a steady flow of people. Great breakfast, and I headed back onto the rode, down the 5 to the 405 to the 118 and home.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Trappist caskets

VERY interesting little film from the Trappist monks of New Melleray Abbey. As a funeral director, I would have one of these shipped to me from time to time. Each time one showed up (there are several different models) they were solid, well made, very simple, and blessed by the monks before being sent off. Lotsa good juju there, it radiated out of the wood.
   This is a wonderful introduction to how the monks make the caskets, and the evolution of their business with the help of a local entrepreneur. Having to build a worldly concern around the otherworldly monks took a bit of doing, the manager says, but its a manner of realizing the primary needs of everyone involved and making it work.

Return from the Abbey

Now I'm sitting here in my office. I'm really amazed at the level of noise all around me in my everyday existence. It takes about 48 hours to numb myself down again, and I'm "normal" again.
   I was driving through the desert when I first heard of the white smoke. My first thoughts? I like Pope Francis. He seems like an authentic holy man. Not that the others Popes were not, but I love how God makes his choice and shuts up his critics, or at least knocks them back. I'll write more when I've digested the notes I've made during the retreat.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Heading out to St. Andrew's Abbey in Valermo, CA this morning. I really need to stop the world and step off for awhile.