Sunday, May 26, 2013

The end of time.

I had been informed that Ernie, the little beagle/corgi mix who adopted us when we moved into the Western ave. house, is not doing well. He’s about 16 now, and the end is in sight. I was invited to have one last visit with him.

Returning to Glendale is like getting into a time machine – NOTHING has changed. I even parked in my old spot at the curb – too many conflicting emotions to count.

But the li’l guy was in the backyard. He had mellowed a lot, but the same sweetness is there.


Sweet guy.


I spent 45 minutes with him. He is too feeble to go on walks anymore. I leashed him up and opened wide the gate, and he just ho-hummed, so I didn’t push it.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

One more semester in the bag!

All papers and group projects done and sent off to Lexington. Now it’s time to catch up with everything I let slide because I was so focused on completing this semester. Yes, Charlie – that' means it’s time for your bath!


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Now I’m free! Until June 6, that is, then summer begins.  LIS 647 – school media centers is next.